Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The I AM Series

The following 12 blog entries over the next 12 days will be centered upon the following question:

Who is Jesus Christ?

With Christmas, the day in which Christians celebrate the birth of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, fast approaching, I would like to attempt to give an overview of who Jesus Christ was. This overview will be in no way exhaustive, but will hopefully give those who may not know much about him an idea of who Christians believe that Christ is. My hope is that believers may get something new out of what I write and that non-believers may find the series educational and informative, if not life-changing! The series will focus on his life indirectly, as it will be brought up in explanations, but the series will not be biographical in nature. Instead, it will focus on some of the names of Jesus and his qualities. I will use the Bible as my source of information, and I pray my exegesis is of sound quality.

I will be using the Mark Schultz song "I AM" as my basis for this series. His song contains many of the titles or names of Jesus and some of his miracles and attributes. When you read the lyrics, you will understand better what I am trying to say. So, in this 12-part series, I will be taking the song apart piece by piece and examining why Mr. Schultz wrote what he did in the song, using Biblical references to not only show where these things appear in the Bible for those who may be curious, but also in an attempt to explain what they mean or why they are there. I look forward to the next 12 blog entries and hope that you read along.

If you are interested in listening to the song, it can be found at: Somebody made a music video for the song. Kind of cheesy at times, I couldn't help but laugh a picture of Jesus that looked like a mugshot 1:30 into the song and before the final fadeout. Note: Jesus wasn't a white dude, either. That's for a different day, though.

The lyrics:

Song: I AM

Artist: Mark Schultz

I AM the Maker of the Heavens
I AM the Bright and Morning Star
I AM the Breath of all Creation
Who always was
And is to come

I AM the One who walked on water
I AM the One who calmed the seas
I AM the Miracles and Wonders
So come and see
And follow Me
You will know


I AM the Fount of Living Water
The Risen Son of Man
The Healer of the Broken
And when you cry
I AM your Savior and Redeemer
Who bore the sins of man
The Author and Perfecter
Beginning and the End

I AM the Spirit deep inside you
I AM the Word upon your heart
I AM the One who even knew you
Before your birth
Before you were



Before the Earth (I AM)
The Universe (I AM)
In every heart (I AM)
Oh, where you are (I AM)
The Lord of Lords(I AM)
The King of Kings (I AM)
The Holy Lamb (I AM)
Above all things


Chorus (slightly modified):

Yes, I AM Almighty God your Father
The Risen Son of Man
The Healer of the Broken
And when you cry
I AM your Savior and Redeemer
Who bore the sins of man
The Author and Perfecter
Beginning and the End


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Seth said...

Jesus being portrayed as white is a good example of what I see as culture influencing personal understanding. For white people in white communities who grow up thinking about Jesus, they picture him as white, and portray him as white. Sorry to belabor my point again, but I thought it was an interesting example.


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